How about converting to base 26 and printing alpha characters (A-Z)?  This
would allow easy sequencing and a simple program could convert an alpha
string to  a base 10 number when needed.- Joe

On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 2:39 PM Frank Cazabon <>

> They have that already. This is a physical count process to avoid theft.
> They deal in lending money for gold and have to be paranoid.
> On 11 October 2018 14:10:36 GMT-04:00, Stephen Russell <
>> wrote:
> >Why not make a dashboard that has a Count for the Day on it. If you
> >have
> >really simple people this might work?
> >
> >On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 9:54 AM Frank Cazabon <>
> >wrote:
> >
> >> Thanks, Obscuring the number is not a problem, but I think they want
> >to
> >> be able to read the number off the ticket at the end of the day in
> >> sequential order and I don't see how I can come up with a simple way
> >to
> >> do this.
> >>
> >> Frank.
> >>
> >> Frank Cazabon
> >>
> >> On 10/10/2018 03:48 PM, Richard Kaye wrote:
> >> > One way is to come up with a 10 letter "word" with each letter
> >> representing a digit. You then convert the numeric sequence to alpha
> >> characters. And to avoid the pattern being too easily spotted, add
> >one or
> >> more random characters to the final string. It's not the most robust
> >> encryption scheme in the world but it should obscure it enough.
> >Here's a
> >> bit of VFP code to do this using the non-dictionary phrase MONKEYSHIP
> >as
> >> the rebus. Pass it the number to encode and optionally .t. as the
> >second
> >> parameter to append a single random character at the end.
> >> >
> >> > **************************************
> >> > *      Program: MONKEYSHIP.PRG
> >> > *         Date: 05/07/2007 03:26 PM
> >> > *  VFP Version: Visual FoxPro 09.00.0000.7423 for Windows
> >> > *        Notes:
> >> > **************************************
> >> >
> >> > FUNCTION MonkeyShip(m.tnStringToEncode AS Number, m.tlRandom AS
> >Boolean)
> >> > LOCAL m.lcRetval AS Character
> >> >
> >>
> >m.lcStringToEncode=ALLTRIM(TRANSFORM(m.tnStringToEncode,[999999999999999]))
> >> > LOCAL ARRAY laRebus[10,2]
> >> > m.laRebus[1,1]=1
> >> > m.laRebus[1,2]=[M]
> >> > m.laRebus[2,1]=2
> >> > m.laRebus[2,2]=[O]
> >> > m.laRebus[3,1]=3
> >> > m.laRebus[3,2]=[N]
> >> > m.laRebus[4,1]=4
> >> > m.laRebus[4,2]=[K]
> >> > m.laRebus[5,1]=5
> >> > m.laRebus[5,2]=[E]
> >> > m.laRebus[6,1]=6
> >> > m.laRebus[6,2]=[Y]
> >> > m.laRebus[7,1]=7
> >> > m.laRebus[7,2]=[S]
> >> > m.laRebus[8,1]=8
> >> > m.laRebus[8,2]=[H]
> >> > m.laRebus[9,1]=9
> >> > m.laRebus[9,2]=[I]
> >> > m.laRebus[10,1]=0
> >> > m.laRebus[10,2]=[P]
> >> > m.lcRetval=[]
> >> > m.lcChar=[]
> >> > FOR m.x=1 TO LEN(ALLTRIM(m.lcStringToEncode))
> >> >
> >>
> >m.lcChar=m.laRebus[ASCAN(m.laRebus,VAL(SUBSTR(m.lcStringToEncode,x,1)),1,-1,1,8),2]
> >> >       m.lcRetval=m.lcRetval+m.lcChar
> >> > NEXT
> >> > IF m.tlRandom
> >> >       LOCAL m.liCounter AS Integer
> >> >       PRIVATE m.pcRandomChar
> >> >       m.pcRandomChar=[ ]
> >> >       m.liCounter=1
> >> > *!* get a bunch of values to work with which will hopefully give at
> >> least one alpha not in monkeyship
> >> >       DO WHILE NOT ReturnRandom()
> >> >               m.liCounter=m.liCounter+1
> >> >               IF m.liCounter=10
> >> >                       EXIT
> >> >               ENDIF
> >> >       ENDDO
> >> >       IF m.liCounter=10       && we went through loop 10 times and
> >could
> >> not get a char back
> >> >               m.lcRetval=[Q]+m.lcRetval
> >> >       ELSE
> >> >               m.lcRetval=m.pcRandomChar+m.lcRetval
> >> >       ENDIF
> >> > ENDIF
> >> > RETURN m.lcRetval
> >> > ENDFUNC
> >> >
> >> > FUNCTION ReturnRandom
> >> > LOCAL m.lcRandomSeed AS Character, m.lIsGood AS Boolean
> >> > *!* get a bunch of values to work with which will hopefully give at
> >> least one alpha not in monkeyship
> >> > m.lcRandomSeed=SYS(2015)+SYS(2015)+SYS(2015)+SYS(2015)
> >> > m.lIsGood=.f.
> >> > FOR m.y=LEN(m.lcRandomSeed) TO 2 STEP -1      && don't need to
> >check
> >> first char in sys(2015)
> >> >       IF ISALPHA(SUBSTR(m.lcRandomSeed,y,1)) AND NOT
> >> UPPER(SUBSTR(m.lcRandomSeed,y,1))$[MONKEYSHIP]
> >> >               m.pcRandomChar=SUBSTR(m.lcRandomSeed,y,1)
> >> >               m.lIsGood=.t.
> >> >               EXIT
> >> >       ELSE
> >> >               m.lIsGood=.f.
> >> >       ENDIF
> >> > NEXT
> >> > RETURN m.lIsGood
> >> > ENDFUNC
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> >
> >> > rk
> >> >
> >> > -----Original Message-----
> >> > From: ProfoxTech <> On Behalf Of Frank
> >> Cazabon
> >> > Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 3:25 PM
> >> > To:
> >> > Subject: Numbering Scheme
> >> >
> >> > I have a client who issues tickets in numerical sequence (it's a
> >> pawnshop). The sequence helps them balance things back at the end of
> >the
> >> day (read that as check for stealing) when checking the various
> >parcels
> >> received for the tickets issued (they keep a copy of the ticket
> >issued to
> >> their customer and at the end of the day sort them sequentially and
> >read
> >> the numbers off the tickets to ensure they match the parcels). They
> >are now
> >> not wanting the number printed on the ticket as their competitors may
> >be
> >> able to get an idea from the sequential numbers how much business
> >they are
> >> doing (by getting a ticket early in the morning and then one ate in
> >the
> >> afternoon).
> >> >
> >> > So, they have asked me to come up with a solution and I must admit
> >that
> >> I am coming up blank.
> >> >
> >> > Any ideas?
> >> >
> >>
> >>
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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