How do you dynamically add the rows?  Via Office Automation code?  If so, care to share?

On 5/15/2019 4:54 PM, Frank Cazabon wrote:
I do stuff like that using Bookmarks in a Word template and automating their replacement.


Frank Cazabon

On 15/05/2019 03:05 PM, MB Software Solutions, LLC wrote:
Screenshot of Word document in question (with notations for where content is dynamic; some parts blurred just to protect the players):

Currently, my colleague did so many of these documents MANUALLY in Word.  I'd pull my hair out if I had to do that, especially since I've got VFP.  The trick here is to dynamically enter the names for each letter to an organization.  Each organization can have 1:M names in this report.

The quick thought is a VFP FRX Report, using XFRX (or something else) to save the output to a Word document.  And given that the text above the dynamic organization name and user names/emails part is static, I could do it.  But like you've probably encountered before, I don't like to force the Line-breaks in the VFP Report Writer if I can avoid it (PITA).

So how would you produce these dynamic Word documents easily?

Flattened cursor for this would have this structure:

 * OrgName
 * OrgID (e.g., P0135)
 * Name
 * Email
 * AcctType

That's it.  User would select the Yes/No values and return to us. Task here is generated these 100 reports without having to manually do it (and obviously avoid the human error factor).


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