I copied and ran your code and sure enough it errors but with a nesting error
-----Original Message-----
From: ProfoxTech <> On Behalf Of Eric Selje
Sent: 21 November 2019 17:59
Subject: Re: Fatal error issuing CALCULATE command

Sent by an external sender

This tweak adds rows so there's something to actually calculate. I tried it 
with many variations on fields and rows and cannot get it to crash.

#DEFINE _fields 35
#DEFINE _rows 100
CREATE CURSOR crsTest (id i)
cCalcCmd = [CALCULATE ]
cInsertFields = []
cInsertValues = []
FOR x = 1 TO _fields
   cField = "Field"+TRANSFORM(x)
   ALTER table crsTest ADD COLUMN (cField) I
   cCalcCmd = cCalcCmd + "SUM("+cField+"),"
   cInsertFields = cInsertFields + ","+cField
   cInsertValues = cInsertValues + ","+TRANS(INT(RAND()*100)) NEXT cInsertCmd = 
[INSERT INTO crsTest (ID ] + cInsertFields +[) VALUES (0]+cInsertValues+')'
FOR X = 1 TO _rows
cCalcCmd = cCalcCmd + "AVG(Field1)"

On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 11:37 AM Tracy Pearson <>

> Paul,
> There is no data in the cursor he created.
> How many records are you SUMming?
> Tracy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ProfoxTech [] On Behalf Of 
> Paul Newton
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Fatal error issuing CALCULATE command
> Hi Eric
> I think that's because the limit is 32 (not 31 as I stated).  Try 
> using For x = 1 To 33 and I think you will get the problem.  Please 
> let us know Thanks Paul Newton
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ProfoxTech <> On Behalf Of Eric 
> Selje
> Sent: 21 November 2019 16:17
> To:
> Subject: Re: Fatal error issuing CALCULATE command
> Sent by an external sender
> ------------------------------
> Interesting. I whipped up this test and cannot replicate the problem:
> CREATE CURSOR crsTest (id i)
> cCmd = [CALCULATE ]
> FOR x = 1 TO 32
>    cField = "Field"+TRANSFORM(x)
>    ALTER table crsTest ADD COLUMN (cField) I
>    cCmd = cCmd + "SUM("+cField+"),"
> cCmd = cCmd + "AVG(Field1)"
> &cCmd
> On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 9:50 AM Paul Newton 
> <>
> wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > I think I have come across a possibly undocumented limitation to the 
> > maximum number of expressions in a CALCULATE command.  In my case a 
> > fatal error occurred when trying to CALCULATE the SUMs of 32 
> > different fields in a cursor.  It took a while to establish what was 
> > going on, but when I reduced the number of expressions to 31 the 
> > error no longer
> occurred.
> >
> > Has anybody else encountered this issue?  Many thanks
> >
> > Paul Newton
> >
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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