FoxPro let’s you put code in the UI pieces?  
I’m gonna check that out. Sounds neat. 

Matt Slay

> On Jul 22, 2020, at 7:58 AM, Eric Selje <> wrote:
> I may be biased here, having given the Unit Test talk at SW Fox and now
> maintaining FoxUnit on GitHub, but to me Test-Driven Development is one of
> those things where I "saw the light". As Stephen says, writing the tests
> first forces you to think about design first, which always leads to better
> programs. And w/ FoxMock you can remove all externalities from the tests to
> ensure it's your code that's getting tested and not its dependencies on
> other services like SQL Server or other APIs.
> Having said that, TDD does work "best" for new development, and many VFP
> devs are not doing a ton of apps from scratch which is why it may not have
> caught on. It also works best with logic that's not buried in the UI, and
> unfortunately a lot of us buried it there (forgive me father). It can work
> well for existing apps though, and a fairly recent (5 years?) feature of
> FoxUnit is that it will scan your existing class libs and create a test
> harness for all of your methods to get you started.
> Here's the FoxUnit whitepaper
> <> if
> anyone's interested.
> Eric
>> On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 1:35 AM Christof Wollenhaupt <
>>> wrote:
>>> To make an unit test in VFP is as easy as anything:
>>> just write your code, highlight it, activate the shortcut (right mouse
>>> click), select the option 'Execute the selection'.  A very neat and quick
>>> solution.
>> It's even quicker if you use FoxUnit and foxmock. Both are free on VFPX.
>> I've hundreds of unit tests that I can run with a single key stroke that
>> test many different modules of our applications. Writing testable code also
>> tends to lead to a cleaner class design that is more reusable.
>> --
>> Christof
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