And if there's something that's not quite supported yet, there's a file
called dbcmd.xh that you can use to "create" commands. e.g.

#command SCAN => CoreDb.GoTop(); DO WHILE NOT CoreDb.Eof()
#command ENDSCAN => CoreDb.Skip(1); ENDDO

See the SWFox X# whitepaper
<> for
more info on that.

This is good stuff, Johan.


On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 11:06 AM Matt Slay <>

> Yes,  Scan/EndScan now supported in X#.
> - Matt Slay
> On 2020-07-29 11:00 AM, MB Software Solutions, LLC wrote:
> > No SCAN/ENDSCAN support yet?
> >
> >
> > On 7/29/2020 11:56 AM, Johan Nel wrote:
> >> Hi all VFPers,
> >>
> >> Well have not posted much lately about X# here due to some other
> >> issues I have to attend to, but good progress are made with support
> >> for the VFP dialect.
> >>
> >> As per the message regarding .NET Core, I would also like to share
> >> progress with X# regarding .NET Core support.
> >>
> >> Attached the link and posting by Robert today.
> >>
> >> Hope it is of interest to (most) some.
> >>
> >> Johan Nel
> >> George, South Africa.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> I would like to share some progress that I made today.
> >> I have changed the X# build system to support building for .Net Core.
> >> Consider an app that has one PRG file and a XSPROJ file.
> >> The contents of the XSProj file looks like this:
> >>
> >> <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
> >>   <Import Project="$(XSharpMsBuildDir)\XSharp.NET.Sdk.props" />
> >>   <PropertyGroup>
> >>     <OutputType>Exe</OutputType>
> >>     <TargetFramework>netcoreapp5.0</TargetFramework>
> >>     <ins>true</ins>
> >>     <dialect>vo</dialect>
> >>   </PropertyGroup>
> >> <ItemGroup>
> >>     <Reference Include="XSharp.Core" />
> >>     <Reference Include="XSharp.RT" />
> >>     <Reference Include="XSharp.RDD" />
> >>     <Reference Include="XSharp.MacroCompiler" />
> >> </ItemGroup>
> >> <Import Project="$(XSharpMsBuildDir)\XSharp.NET.Sdk.targets" />
> >> <ItemGroup>
> >>   <PackageReference Include="System.Text.Encoding.CodePages"
> >> Version="4.7.1" />
> >> </ItemGroup>
> >> </Project>
> >>
> >>
> >> As you can see we are compiling for .Net Core 5.0 and for the VO
> >> dialect. I have included the XSharp assemblies needed to open a DBF
> >> file. The only "strange" thing in here is the package references to
> >> the System.Text.Encoding.CodePages package, because by default .Net
> >> Core does not have support for Codepage 1252 which I am using.
> >> Unlike traditional project files there are no items included. By
> >> default .Net Core includes all source code items in the folder.
> >>
> >> The code looks like this:
> >>
> >> USING System.Text
> >>
> >> Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance)
> >> ? "Hello from X#"
> >> ? "OS       :",OS(TRUE)
> >> ? "Framework:", System.Environment.Version:ToString()
> >> ? "Xsharp   : version", Version(), "dialect",
> >> RuntimeState.Dialect:ToString()
> >> ? "Datetime :", DateTime()
> >> ? "Program  :", ExecName(TRUE)
> >> ? "Workdir  :", WorkDir()
> >> ? "Curdir   :", System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
> >>
> >> ? "Opening, Indexing and listing a DBF with .Net Core"
> >> ?
> >> USE Customer
> >> DO WHILE ! EOF()
> >>     SKIP
> >> ENDDO
> >> ? "Press any key"
> >> Console.ReadLine()
> >>
> >>
> >> As you can see I am calling a function in the Encoding class to link
> >> the package that has the codepage support.
> >> The rest is a normal mixture of Xbase code and .Net code.
> >> To compile and run the program I type
> >>
> >> dotnet run
> >>
> >> on the command line.
> >> The result is this:
> >>
> >> Hello from X#
> >> OS       : Windows 10 Enterprise (x64) ( Version 10.0, Build 18363 )
> >> Framework: 5.0.0
> >> Xsharp   : version XSharp dialect VO
> >> Datetime : 29-07-2020 16:10:58
> >> Program  : C:\test\bin\Debug\netcoreapp5.0\test.dll
> >> Workdir  : C:\test\bin\Debug\netcoreapp5.0\
> >> Curdir   : C:\test
> >> Opening, Indexing and listing a DBF with .Net Core
> >>
> >>  6 Baker      James
> >>  2 Borne      Maria
> >> 15 Chandler   Walter
> >>  3 Cooper     Elizabeth
> >> 12 Cusumano   Karen
> >>  5 Dougherty  Janet
> >> .
> >> .
> >> 14 Walsh      Gloria
> >> 19 Zimmerman  Carla
> >> Press any key
> >>
> >>
> >> As you can see the runtime, RDD system and Macro compiler all work on
> >> .Net Core 5.0 !
> >> You can deploy this app with all support DLLs in one single Exe and 2
> >> small DLLs by calling:
> >>
> >> dotnet publish --self-contained true -r win-x64
> >> -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:PublishTrimmed=true
> >>
> >>
> >> This creates the following files, which make up the whole program:
> >>
> >> 29-07-2020  16:13        28.955.153 test.exe
> >> 28-05-2020  08:26           500.608 hostfxr.dll
> >> 28-05-2020  08:26           506.248 hostpolicy.dll
> >>
> >> Even the XSharp DLLs are included in test,exe. The total size is 29 Mb.
> >>
> >> You can also prepare an image for Linux by replacing win-x64 with
> >> linux-x64 and then the output is:
> >>
> >> 29-07-2020  16:16        44.552.454 test
> >> 28-05-2020  07:54           563.728
> >> 28-05-2020  07:54           532.408
> >>
> >> A self contained .Net app for Linux in 44 Mb !
> >>
> >> I hope you find this interesting.
> >>
> >> Robert
> >>
> >> And yes this will be included in the next build. Not with the VS
> >> project system, that will take a bit longer.
> >>
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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