Hi, All -- -

Long time, etc. ;-) Been over 5 years of official retirement (actual a bit
less). Still watch the list for nostalgia, but I have nothing useful to
contribute (OK -- all at once: "As usual!")

Question for Ed and the Mac-tolerant: My mid-2014 MacBook is tired and
literally falling apart. I want to modernize a bit ("Oh! to have a battery
last more than 30 minutes..."). New MacBook with a big drive is $4-$5,000
depending on the drive. My criteria are:

1. I really don't need big power any more -- I surf and do the occasional
audio/video/image editing. What power I have is enough.

2. I want mega-storage. A 4TB drive or more would be the best. (Currently I
have a have an external drive literally Velcro'ed to the underside.) I
could add an internal one, but most of the laptop-size internal drives seem
to be targeted at NAS systems (https://tinyurl.com/y2hh3qhz). I am too far
out of the hardware loop to comprehend why a NAS-targeted drive is
different or wouldn't work in a laptop.

3. I still want a big screen -- a combination of preference and old eyes.

4. Happy for a refurb. or whatever if the source is reputable. I can
replace the drive (if #2).

5. Yes, it is possible that I would go back to the Windows or Linux
universes, but for now I want to stay the course (I use Parallels to do

6. I need to stay mobile -- we move around quite a bit.

Recommendations? Half-baked ideas?

Warmest regards to all -- still grateful after all these years for your
camaraderie and generosity. (Special shout-out to wOOdy, harking back to
the CompuServe days.)

Ken Kix

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