Yeah but they're near 2GB in file size (like 18 yrs worth of data) so they're in need of a solution beyond QB (or find a way to make QB keep working for them).  QB Online isn't an option as their VFP app integrates with the CFO's QB Desktop version.

I'm no QB expert but I'd like to think there's some sort of process that can be done to consolidate/cleanup data over decades.

On 1/19/2022 11:09 AM, AndyHC wrote:
Twenty some years ago I used Quicken (QuickBooks lite) and was so impressed by the user interface I recommended it as an example of how to write user-friendly code. I was less impressed by their lack of transparency on file structures that allowed them to charge annually for tax rules updates, bu still, pretty much everybody does that now and - it stands out in my memory.

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