For some reason I usually don't get a copy of my posts but this time around
I did not get any replies either.  When I went to the archive I discovered
two replies that addressed my issues.  Thank you!
I also solved the problem myself when I discovered a technique to create
an array as a form property.
 My form load ewent now contains:

* Add an array property for this form
  THISFORM.Add Property("YearArr[2]"2019)
  SELECT Year(start),distinct from leases into array THISFORM.YearArray

And my combo box properties are:
  RowSource: THISFORM.YearArr
  Row Source Type: 5 - Array

This works fine but I prefer the more elegant solution suggested by Jurgen
which eliminates the array and substitutes the SQL select statement' (Row
Source Type 3).

Thanks again,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Joe Yoder <>
Date: Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Subject: Issues with referencing an array in a form
To: <>

I want to call a  form to select the year for a report and then print the
I do a select into array to get the list of choices into array YearArr in
the load procedure of the form but when the form attempts to load a combo
box using the array as the list of choices I get the message YearArr is not
an array.

Load procedure of form contents:
  SELECT year(start) distinct from leases into array YearArr

Combo box properties:
   Row source : YearArr
   Row source type: 5 - Array

What am I missing that is needed to make this work?

Thanks in advance,


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