Hi Ted

I finally remembered ... I checked out some other MHTML files that I had worked with previously.  It turns out that none of the browsers displays MHTML correctly BUT if I use the IE Tab extension in the browser they show correctly - and they display correctly in IE as well.  I don't know if there is any other workaround for Chrome, Firefox etc.

Thanks again


On 27/05/2022 19:34, Ted Roche wrote:

How are you saving the page as MHTML? Are you doing that in a browser,
or using Automation or something else?

If a browser, which one?

On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 12:54 PM Paul Newton<paul.newton.h...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Hi all

I have an HTML document in, say, C:\Temp.  It contains, amongst other
things, the following:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./tech1117.css">
<img width="575" height="467" src="./Domain00.jpg">

This file displays correctly and I save it as an MHTML (Web Page, Single
file).  When I open the MHTML the styles from the stylesheet are not
showing and nor is the image, even though the MHTML, stylesheet and
image file are all in the same folder.

I have tried this (saving as MHTML and opening MHTML) using Chrome,
Firefox, Edge and Opera.  Inspecting the MHTML shows

<link rel=3D"stylesheet" type=3D"text/css"
<img width=3D"575" height=3D"467" src=3D"file:///C:/Temp/Domain00.jpg">

Am I missing something here?  I thought that the MHTML could be opened
from anywhere and should display correctly even if the stylesheet and
image files are absent (because they should be embedded in the MHTML).

Many thanks

Paul Newton

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