ProFox List Statistics
June 2024
Subscriber Count at End of Month:
                ProFox: 306
                ProFoxTech: 184

Total Posts: 29
(Up 190.0% from May 2024)

Total [OT] Posts: 0
(Unchanged from May 2024)

Total [NF] Posts: 0
(Unchanged from May 2024)

Daily Message Counts for June 2024
DOW  Date  Count
---  ----  -----
 S     1  -   1
 T     4  -   1
 T    11  -   2
 W    12  -   4
 M    17  -   5
 T    18  -  10
 W    19  -   1
 W    26  -   2
 T    27  -   3

Message Counts By Day of Week for June 2024
DOW  Count
---  -----
Mon -    5
Tue -   13
Wed -    7
Thu -    3
Sat -    1

Distinct Posters to the List
(changes relative to May 2024)
        Non-OT messages: 13 (Up 85.71%)
        OT messages: 0 (Unchanged)
        NF messages: 0 (Unchanged)
Total number: 13 (Up 85.71%)

Top 13 Contributors by Number of Non-OT Posts
|    Posts   Contributor                       |
  1.    5    Tracy Pearson 
  2.    4    Chris Davis 
  3.    4    Joe Yoder 
  4.    3    Philip Borkholder 
  5.    2    <juer...@wondzinski.de>
  6.    2    Rick Schummer 
  7.    2    Ted Roche 
  8.    2    Eric Selje 
  9.    1    Mike Copeland 
 10.    1    List Administrator Account 
 11.    1    Richard Kaye 
 12.    1    Paul H. Tarver 
 13.    1    António Tavares Lopes 

Top 0 Contributors by Number of OT Posts
|    Posts   OT%  Contributor                  |

Top 0 Contributors by Number of NF Posts
|    Posts   Contributor                       |

Top 13 Contributors by Total Number of Posts
|    Posts   Contributor                       |
  1.    5    Tracy Pearson 
  2.    4    Chris Davis 
  3.    4    Joe Yoder 
  4.    3    Philip Borkholder 
  5.    2    <juer...@wondzinski.de>
  6.    2    Rick Schummer 
  7.    2    Ted Roche 
  8.    2    Eric Selje 
  9.    1    Mike Copeland 
 10.    1    List Administrator Account 
 11.    1    Richard Kaye 
 12.    1    Paul H. Tarver 
 13.    1    António Tavares Lopes 

Top 5 Contributors by Number of New Threads Started
|    Posts   Contributor                       |
  1.    3    Joe Yoder 
  2.    2    Rick Schummer 
  3.    1    List Administrator Account 
  4.    1    Chris Davis 
  5.    1    Philip Borkholder 

Top 10 Non-OT Threads by Total Number of Posts
|    Posts   Subject                                             |
  1.    8    VFP 8, ODBC connection to Azure SQL Server Pausing
  2.    6    ODBC / VFPA / 64 Bit
  3.    4    Combobox followup
  4.    3    Combo box issues
  5.    3    Programatically generated Combo boxes
  6.    1    ProFox List Statistics for May 2024
  7.    1    AW: Combobox followup
  8.    1    Southwest Fox 2024: Super-saver Deadline Approaches
  9.    1    Southwest Fox 2024: Registration opens!
 10.    1    AW: Combo box issues

Top 0 OT Threads by Total Number of Posts
|    Posts   Subject                                             |

Top 10 Threads by Total Number of Posts
|    Posts   Subject                                             |
  1.    8    VFP 8, ODBC connection to Azure SQL Server Pausing
  2.    6    ODBC / VFPA / 64 Bit
  3.    4    Combobox followup
  4.    3    Combo box issues
  5.    3    Programatically generated Combo boxes
  6.    1    ProFox List Statistics for May 2024
  7.    1    AW: Combobox followup
  8.    1    Southwest Fox 2024: Super-saver Deadline Approaches
  9.    1    Southwest Fox 2024: Registration opens!
 10.    1    AW: Combo box issues

Post Messages to: ProFox@leafe.com
Subscription Maintenance: https://mail.leafe.com/mailman/listinfo/profox
OT-free version of this list: https://mail.leafe.com/mailman/listinfo/profoxtech
Searchable Archive: https://leafe.com/archives
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** All postings, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are the opinions of the 
author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

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