Stephen Russell wrote:

> We all agree the M$'s good intentions of software working together got the
> worst of worst started  with a bang.  


> It seems like those days are behind us.

Better think again on that one, dude. Spyware, adware, malware, spambots,
and anything else I didn't list is worse now than it has ever been -- for
Windows users.

> It prayed (sic) on the stupidity of people getting passwords for porn 
> sights (sic) back in 98 or 99? 

The bad guys still prey on the ignorance (and greed) of people. Then again,
how can viewing an ad on a MySpace page which triggers a drive-by download
and turns your computer into a spambot be considered stupidity on the part
of the user?

Internet Explorer just makes it too freaking E-A-S-Y for the bad guys.

> Since then people have wised up as so have vendors.

Respectfully disagree on this one. When people call me because "my computer
is running slowly," 75% of them don't have updated anti-virus software and
almost all of them have zero anti-spyware software.

And as far as the vendors go, they are always at least one step behind the
bad guys, and IMHO they always will be. When you consider that most of them
make you pay, repeatedly, for annual "subscriptions" for updated definitions
you suddenly realize they aren't really in the business of "protecting"
people, they are just "in business." Which is fine, if that's what you want
to do, but there are plenty of free protection programs as well.
> As hackers look to Linux for targets will they be as easy to find?  Heck 
> no. Neither in the Win camp.  Because we have all learned from past 
> mistakes.

Gotta disagree on this one, too. Hackers are good -- VERY GOOD -- at finding
the holes. Some of us have learned from our mistakes, but *most* of the
folks out there sending email and surfing the web have NO CLUE just how
dangerous life online can be.

Just my .02


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