If I understand your request, you want to build a table of column names, 
types, lengths, etc. for a bunch of free tables in order to rebuild them.

Ed was correct, your best bet is to use AFIELDS() to get an array of 
field information.

You can then store the array into a structures' table along with each 
table name.  When recreating, load an array from the table and then use 
CREATE TABLE xxx  FROM ARRAY yyy  as Ed indicated.

It gets tricky if you need to save table information for more than one 
version of VFP -- they array structure has changed over the versions.  
No problem if you just want to operate in one version.

For Instance, VFP 9 AFIELDS() creates an array of 18 elements.  The 
first 4 are important, the rest can be set to their default values...

Good luck;


Jeff wrote:

>I need to be able to recreate free tables using information stored in 
>tables. I know how to create tables using SQL statements but how 
>would I pull the field [column - hate that about VFP!] information 
>[column name, type, character/column length,... - all stored for 
>reporting] to create a new table?
>jeff fisher, MCP
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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