Hi all,
I ran into a fun experience today.  It seems that People who have the AOL
security center installed are getting error messages along the line of "This is
not a valid Visual FoxPro Executable" when they try to run any VFP application
on their computer - provided that application has been pre-compiled with Konxise
(by Xitech).
They already had to fix one bug that kept Norton from running.  
In any case, I thought I would post this in case someone else ran into the same
thing and couldn't figure out why a program that had been running just fine
suddenly won't when nothing on the computer changed (other than getting the
latest security patch from AOL of course.)
If I get an answer to the problem, I will post it, should anyone be interested.
Take care,

Fletcher Johnson
408-929-5678 - Cell
408-946-0960 - Work
501-421-9629 - Fax


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