=> Subject: RE: [OT] I wonder how many suicides Kristyne is 
=> responsible for?
=> Mortality rates are so high for conditions that are rare. 
=> And when you think about it, there are so many rare 
=> conditions that each of us are going to know people that 
=> have rare conditions.
=> Kristyne McDaniel

This can easily be corrected by exposing more people to what we consider to be 
"rare" conditions.  As the frequency of occurrence increases the clinical and, 
unfortunately, postmortem data will increase and these conditions will revert 
to being rare again due to the improved preventatives and treatments developed 
while the conditions were common, but presumably with significantly lower 
mortality rates than we currently experience.

Improving life expectancy is one way of reducing the rarity of certain 
disorders, particularly those that are concomitant with advanced geriatricity.  
Who knows how many new diseases science will discover as our population is 
afforded the opportunity to age well beyond its natural life expectancy?  
Darwin's theory of survival-of-the-fittest is being transformed to 


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