Hal Kaplan wrote:
> => Subject: Re: [OT] Forget the SAT exam.
> => 
> => > 
> => 
> => That answer would be real nice save for the fact that 
> => seppuku is JAPANESE CULTURE.
> => Besides, in seppuku the second (or helper) is there to cut 
> => your head when you require it. So you won't be disgraced if 
> => the pain is too much for you. But you can commit seppuku 
> => without a second, you'll only have to endure pain for a longer time.
> => 
> => 
> I did not realize that you are Japanese, Ricardo.  Sorry.
> Nevertheless, the intent of seppuku is to save face by removing stomach.  
> This is for the benefit of those who can watch it performed.  The Kamikaze's 
> of World War II did not honor the fatherland by crashing into mountains where 
> no one could see them and no one was hurt.  They honored the fatherland by 
> crashing into "living, seeing" things.  Therefore, the allusion to Nietzsche.
> By the way, if the Kamikaze's were sworn to kill themselves for the glory of 
> their fathers, why did they wear helmets and goggles?
> This whole business about what you call "Japanese Culture" is very telling.  
> It explains why there are no more Samurai 

There are no more samurai because the Emperor decreed so.

>and why Japan lost the war in the pacific.  As my good friend, George S. 
>Patton, Gen, USA, used to say, "No dumb bastard ever won a war by dying for 
>his country.  He won the war by making the other poor bastard die for *his* 
> Alas, perhaps this is too much for you to accept after the Maldives debacle.
> B+

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