Possibly, but don't forget that there are powerful people financing their

Virgil Bierschwale

-----Original Message-----
Of Leland Jackson
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 1:59 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush challenges war critics to offer own plan

Neither has Iraq ever attacked the US.  We were attacked by a small group of
Terrorist/Pirate on 9/11.  The attackers pledged alliance to no country, nor
any flag, other than to the flag of Al Qauda's  Jolly Roger's skill and
bones.  <g>  The attackers of 9/11 were not of a single race; although, they
we likely all of the same Islamic Sunni Muslim religion.



Michael Madigan wrote:

>Lets see.
>Israel has never attacked us.  
>--- Leland Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>What is it that makes it wrong to hate Jews, but correct to hate 
>>Islamic Arabs of the Muslim religion or anyone else for that matter.  
>>Hitler hated (eg feared) the Jewish race.  Hate sentiments today are 
>>being driven by propaganda against Islamic Arabs of ME decent.  
>>Compare and contrast what happened to the Jewish people under Hitler's 
>>Nazi regime, and what is happening today against people of the ME who 
>>are of Islamic Arab decent under the Neoconservative leader of the US.
>>1)  Hitler cames to power using propaganda that the Jewish people were 
>>the root of all Germany's problems.
>>2)  When Hitler gained enough power, he required that all Jewish 
>>people identify themselves by wearing a big, bright, yellow star of 
>>David on their clothing.  This made it easy to identify the Jewish 
>>people for discrimination and shunning.
>>3)  Hitler enacted laws that divested ownership and rights to property 
>>in the hand of the Jewish people.
>>4)  Hitler physically separated the Jewish people; isolating them in 
>>designated ghetto areas.  The Jewish people were stripped of all their 
>>property and driven into the ghettos with nothing more than the 
>>clothes on their backs.
>>5)  Last came the "Final Solution"; the extermination of the Jewish 
>>people from the face of the earth.
>>I don't think Hitler originally planned an extermination of all Jews.
>>In reaching the final solution, Hitler, and the German people, went 
>>through a progression of baby steps; each step lending itself to the 
>>next, as Hitler's Germany marched towards the final solution.  Anyone 
>>examining the progression of step should have realized early on that 
>>the final solutions was the destination of Hitler's anti-semitic ship, 
>>even if Hitler, and the German people, did not at the time know they 
>>were on a course to a final solution.  The ship's rudder and sails had 
>>been set, and nothing shot of a conscience change in course could have 
>>prevented the Holocaust.
>>Michael Madigan wrote:
>>>I haven't met on Israeli hater that wasn't a Jew Hater.  Holocaust 
>>>deniers included.
>>>--- Adam Buckland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>Haven't you worked out yet that in Michaels mind,
>>>>you criticize anything to do with Israel you are a Jew Hater. 
>>>>Likewise were you to criticize GWB's
>>>>then you'd be a traitor, were you to be American Citizen. If you 
>>>>criticicized and are not a US citizen then you're a terrorist.
>>>>PS He doesn't know the definition of liberal
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ricardo Aráoz
>>>>Sent: 15 January 2007 09:16
>>>>To: ProFox Email List
>>>>Subject: Re: [OT] Bush challenges war critics to offer own plan
>>>>Michael Madigan wrote:
>>>>>Of course the dirty Arabs attacked Israel on a
>>>>>holy day.  But of course a Jew-hater like you
>>>>>conveniently forget that.
>>>>Did you mean to say Israeli-hater? Can you
>>>>the difference?
>>>>>--- Bill Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>It wouldn't matter to us much if they didn't
>>>>>>control a commodity
>>>>>>>>>the whole world has developed a dependence
>>>>>>>>>Oil When OPEC decided to flex their muscle in
>>>>>>the mid 70's, it sent
>>>>>>>>>waves through out the entire world
>>>>>>speaking. Double
>>>>>>>>>digit inflation, double digit unemployment
>>>>>>the deepest economic
>>>>>>>>>problems that the U.S. had faced since the
>>>>>>great depression. 
>>>>>>>>Yup, that really sucked.
>>>>>>>You seem to forget that was due to the fact
>>>>>>USA broke
>>>>>>>the Bretton Woods agreement which stated that
>>>>>>dollar was to
>>>>>>>be tied to gold reserves in USA. The dollar
>>>>>>stopped being
>>>>>>>backed by gold, it started devaluating and the
>>>>>>OPEC took action.
>>>>>>The 1973 oil crisis first began on October 17,
>=== message truncated ===
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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