Ah, I get you.  I thought you may get into trouble having links to
pictures on your site as well (well in the archives anyway).



-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Ed Leafe
Posted At: 15 January 2007 17:54
Posted To: Profox Archive
Conversation: [NF] Apple Computer, Inc., is dead!
Subject: Re: [NF] Apple Computer, Inc., is dead!

On Jan 15, 2007, at 3:54 AM, Tristan Leask wrote:

> Oh dear.

        I've looked around the site, and apparently it's a PocketPC site

that had posted a way to copy the look of iPhone to a PocketPC. They  
weren't just showing pictures, but rather were copying the iPhone  

-- Ed Leafe
-- http://leafe.com
-- http://dabodev.com

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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