=> On Jan 17, 2007, at 2:25 PM, Hal Kaplan wrote:
=> > Fine, Ed.  Copyright law does not work that way but I am 
=> not referring 
=> > to copyright law.  I am referring to licensing.  You can 
=> "copyright" 
=> > your relationship with a person by marriage,
=>      No, you can't.
=> > but your marital relationship is not going to work out if 
=> you and your 
=> > partner cannot come to terms on how you are going to live together.
=>      Of course, but completely irrelevant to software licensing.
=>      The only reason licensing is needed is because of 
=> copyright. Without copyright, I can take Microsoft's code 
=> and do with it what I like, and I can make as many copies as 
=> I want and sell them and keep all the money for myself, or 
=> just give them away if I like. But copyright prohibits me 
=> from doing that. The license I receive from an author who 
=> holds the copyright is similarly bound by copyright law.
=> -- Ed Leafe

OK Ed.  A couple of posts back you wrote "IONAL."  I thought that meant "I am 
not a lawyer."  I guess I was wrong about that particular meaning and that it 
was not an acronym after all.

This discussion is very interesting and I would like to go on but it's also 
moot.  We covered something similar to this in my wife's 1-L class last year 
(she is also a prof) and spent 3 days debating motion picture copyrights, 
derivative works, personae, likenesses, and greed.  The bottom line?  She loves 
to go to Dunkin Donuts for joe and I like 7-11.


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