Michael Madigan wrote:
> She's got no shot.  You heard it hear first.  She
> won't even win the nomination.  

Howdy Mike! I'm baaack!
I know you are over dependent of your syntax check (I guess I would too
at your age). But you can not hear it hear, at most you can hear it here.
Cheers matey

> 1.  She's a woman
> 2.  She's a co-dependent woman
> 3.  She allows her husband to screw around so she can
> have power.
> 4.  She's a liar
>     a.  She wasn't named after Sir Edmund Hillary as
> she proclaimed.
>     b.  She knew her husband was screwing around when
> she blamed the "vast rightwing conspiracy"
> 5.  She's bisexual, she's had more women than Bill.
> 6.  Black people are going to vote for Obama instead
> 7.  She's anti-jewish. 
> Put a fork in her.
> --- Adam Buckland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Shot in DC last week allegedly according to Drudge
>> Report (One minute
>> what the heck am I doing reading that!)..
>> So possibly not crapola, but good to see you're
>> getting in early against
>> the next president.
>> ::a
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>> Behalf Of Michael Madigan
>> Sent: 22 January 2007 07:14
>> To: profox@leafe.com
>> Subject: [OT] Hillary Clinton lies about anouncing
>> precidency
>> All these months she said she wasn't sure whether
>> she
>> was going to run or not.  Well look at the trees in
>> the window.  This was probably shot in the spring or
>> summer.  So all this time she lied about not making
>> up
>> her mind.
>> What crapola.
>> http://www.hillaryclinton.com/feature/video/
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[excessive quoting removed by server]

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