As a Public Accountant myself, I enjoyed this joke very much


Rafael Copquin

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Nicholas Geti 
  Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 2:34 PM
  Subject: Joke

  Three accountants and three Lawyers take a train trip.  The accountants buy 
just one ticket & the attorneys buy three.  
  The attorneys ask the accountants why. to which they respond watch.... 
  The three attorneys take their seats and the three accountants cram into a 
restroom. When the conductor comes around he knocks on the restroom door and a 
hand pops out with a ticket.... 
  On the return trip; the attorneys buy one ticket and the accountants buy no 
tickets at all. The attorneys cram into a restroom.  After a few moments one of 
the accountants knocks on the restroom door and takes the ticket.....

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[excessive quoting removed by server]

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