Hi all

I am trying to get a list of tables in an MS Access MDB and what I have 
so far is

oAcc = CREATEOBJECT("Access.Application"
LOCAL lnTables
lnTables = oAcc.CurrentData.AllTables.Count

This returns a value of 9 for lnTables but the MDB only contains 2 
(user) tables - the rest are apparently system tables whose names all 
begin with MSys.

How can I get a count/list of the tables excluding the system tables 
(without iterating all of them to exclude the system tables) ?


PS What I am eventually trying to do is give the user a choice of tables 
and then use the Access Export functionality to create a DBF(s).  I have 
done this before using ADODB and the Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB provider but 
would like to try this different approach.

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