> One gets into trouble if one won't exercise a little discipline
> (speaking too fast, background noise, slurring words, using slang, etc.)
> And even then, with just a single speaker, systems will learn to adapt,
> and translate "y'wl" to the more proper "you-all".

... Siberian Huskies howling at me in the background because they expect me
to feed them... <g>...

I have had to take a strong stance re: not feeding the Huskies.  They are so
darned clever.  They learned that if I am talking on the phone (or into a
microphone perhaps?) that by howling and bitching about wanting food I would
feed them snacks just to shut them up.  I decided I was no longer going to
be "the trained animal", and refused to feed them for a few weeks (only
Lynda would feed them morning and evening), and explaining to whoever I was
chatting with why they were hearing such nonsense in the background.  They
kind of learned to not howl (as much <g>), but from time to time they test
me.  Too smart for their own britches!  So, your comment re: background
noises is quite appropriate for my circumstances.  Thank you!


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Whil Hentzen (Pro*)
> Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 10:07 AM
> Subject: Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought
> >> Voice recognition is getting more and more accurate by the
> day, but it is
> >> important to realize that (1) it's still a very tough problem
> to solve and
> >> (2) there are parallel efforts attacking the problem. The
> parallel tracks
> >> are handling (1) an unlimited domain for a single speaker and (2)
> >> a limited domain for any speaker.
> Dave's nailed it on the head.
> To add onto Dave's synopsis (I did a bit of looking into this about 25
> years, along with vision systems for robots), what Gil is looking for is
> actually quite reasonably these days. The tales of woe are generally
> from folks who have expectations beyond the current realm of technology.
> For a single person to train a system with a distinct vocab ("SQL" is a
> language, not the followup to a hit movie), particularly with someone
> who knows what they're doing and has the discipline to adapt a bit
> (which fits Gil to a 't'), voice recog is definitely a reasonable
> vehicle right now.
> One gets into trouble if one won't exercise a little discipline
> (speaking too fast, background noise, slurring words, using slang, etc.)
> And even then, with just a single speaker, systems will learn to adapt,
> and translate "y'wl" to the more proper "you-all".
> Whil
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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