> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Ted Roche
> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 7:54 AM
> Subject: Re: [NF] A major step in the right direction - ebooks
> On 2/6/07, Jeff Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > For those of you familiar with Woot, they had one of these during their
> last
> > woot-off for significantly less than $630.
> And for those of us unfamiliar with Woot (something my dog says while
> barking with his mouth full?), how much would it cost?
> --
> Ted Roche
> Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
> http://www.tedroche.com

Ted:  Woot.com has kind of a cult following.  Here is a link to the FAQ
http://www.woot.com/WhatIsWoot.aspx.  It has one item for sale each day and
when they're gone, they're gone.  A woot-off is usually a two or three day
affair where they sell an item until it is sold out and then put another
item up until it is sold out.  They have a wine site too.  

During last week's woot-off they had the pepper pad.  I could be mistaken
but I think it was about half of the number above.


Jeff Johnson
Fax 623-869-0675

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