I'm working on putting together the FoxForward estimate of expenses
right now.  I've got some feelers out for sponsorship interest.  This
greatly affects the price of the conference.


Rick Schummer wrote:
> There is definitely going to be a Southwest Fox 2007, details coming soon. 
> German DevCon for the
> next eight years is posted on the Fox Wiki. Prague is being planned, although 
> I don't have absolute
> date knowledge at this time.
> Advisor Speakers so far are:
> Tamar Granor
> Doug Hennig
> Rick Schummer
> Craig Berntson
> Kevin Ragsdale
> Claudio Lassala
> yag
> Rick
> White Light Computing, Inc.
> www.whitelightcomputing.com
> www.rickschummer.com
> 586.254.2530 - office
> 586.254.2539 - fax
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tracy Pearson
> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:56 AM
> Subject: Any Conferences to attend this year?
> My boss just saw DevCon is announced, without much word on speakers.
> Anybody have whispers of another?
> Thanks,
> Tracy
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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