In a lighter vein, my mother always used to say on the question to flush or
not to flush:

"If its yellow...let it mellow but if it's brown...then FLUSH it down!!"

Dave Crozier

-----Original Message-----
Of Peter Cushing
Sent: 07 February 2007 16:25
Subject: Re: To flush or not to flush, that is the question

Graham Brown (CompSYS) wrote:
> btw the scenario I have is exactly as you say, a parameters table holding
> the next available number. 
I had a bit of a problem a couple of years ago with the same scenario 
but we had two systems accessing the parameter table.  The first was our 
old FPD 2.6 system and the other our newer VFP7 system.  It appeared 
that VFP was cacheing the table and could not tell that the old system 
had updated it, even though we were using RLOCK() then unlock etc.  What 
I had to do to make it work was get VFP to close the table after it had 
got the number.  It gave me a right headache with duplicate barcode 
numbers. :-(


[excessive quoting removed by server]

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