On Friday, February 23, 2007 9:02 PM ken.com wrote:

>If you have a wholesale membership ($100) you get back a percentage of
your purchases. I have 
>received over $200 back every year since Costco came to my area (Foster
City, CA) I get 
>computers, hard drives, etc there as well as supplies for the office.
My only complaint is that >I can't use a credit card except when I
purchase online. They do so well that the nearest 
>Walmart is in Mountain View - about 30 minutes South depending on the
traffic. We have a super 
>Target and I do shop there. Sometimes you don't want to purchase 100
pounds of rice or some 
>things that are usually only at Safeway. The Costco in South San
Francisco has a gas station and >I agree it is good. I buy gas there
almost all the time. Again, my complaint is that I can't use >a credit
card. You will notice that the employes have all been there forever.

I use my American Express there all the time and get membership points.

David L. Crooks

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