What happens in 2032?

Charlie Coleman wrote:
> At 10:35 AM 3/11/2007 -0400, mrgmhale wrote:
> ...
>> I am still here despite the much feared, even more hated, Daylight Saving
>> Time change!  And all of my business PCs updated correctly (including the
>> NT4SP6a Server with a 3rd party patch).  The M$ Win2000ProSP4 patch even
>> worked!  The only machine that did not update was Lynda's (wife) personal
> ...
> Yeah.... what is all the fuss about? The majority of my machines rolled 
> over just fine. Oh.... wait.... they're Linux.... Sorry for the 
> interruption. Back your regularly schedule MS-patching.
> :-)
> -Charlie 
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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