> > I'm in the process of setting up a new web server. I know just enough
> > about this to get things up & running. Or so I thought. My old server is
> > running IIS 5, which I'm reasonably comfortable messing with. The new
> > server is running IIS 6 which I've barely touched. For some reason, ASP
> > files will not render in my test setup. I get 404 errors. If I change
> > the extension to aspx or htm, the code runs fine. Anyone out there
> > taking a break from the heated "life after VFP" discussion have any
> > clues for me? <g>

> As usual, after I post a question I figure out the answer...

Well, for the archives, if anyone's reading this and actually wants
the answer, I believe the solution was to enable 'Active Server pages'
in the 'Web Service Extensions' section of the IIS admin...

W2K3 throws 404 errors when it should be throwing 500 errors for
things like this, in the name of 'security'... FYI, if you're trying
to run SOAP with WSDL files, you need to enable 'All Unknown ISAPI
Extensions'. There may be a less inclusive way to do this, but
enabling that basically makes it operate like IIS5, and the security
in regards to that was suitable for me, so that's what I've done.


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