> They seem confusing as hell, until one time you try to change  
> something, and it does what you expect! After that, it's clear

Damn right.  I managed to coble something together but still there
wasn't something right as far as I was concerned.  After reading the
Wiki, I understand the importance of them with getting the forms right
when moving across platforms.  I think I need to watch some of the
screen casts again.

> No, and I don't really have plans to create one. Are there any  
> particular aspects going from one to another that you think might be  
> helpful?

Some things might be useful such as thing like MESSAGEBOX(), INPUTBOX()
and the like but I suspect a lot of it would be impossible to do like in
the VB one.  When I drifted back into VB after using VFP for years I
couldn't remember all the commands so it came in very handy as a quick
reference booklet.



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