Your right! :) Unreal was God-like, and UnrealEd is still IMHO the best
level editor out there. My first published mapping effort can be found here: It's called 'Twitchfactor',
a single player Unreal / Return to NaPali mapset that featured a hub and
spoke level layout, water levels and... Giant spiders! Yes, giant spiders!
:) I can't believe I forgot to give Epic it's due... Epic rules! 

 Crytech I'm not as familiar with outside of the CryEngine2 demo videos I've
seen out on the web... Looks mighty fine though I'm afraid to think what
sort of hardware it will need to run properly. Maybe a 360/PS3 version will
emerge and spare my wallet the pain :) 

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Alan Bourke
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: [NF] Hi, I'm PC and I'm a Mac... and I'm Linux

David Smith wrote:
> software ( Nobody does 3D tech like ID )
Crytech and Epic do!

> and anything 
> The PS3: I firmly believe the PS3 is going to be number 2 in this console
> generation, second only to the Nintendo DS. The hardware is radically
> different than what developers are used to and there will be a 2+ year
> learning curve attached to it until you see the true power of the Cell
> processors. Sony's hardware is by far the most powerful out there,
> absolutely smoking everything else in the market. The high price ? Lack of
> games? 
But the vast majority of the console audience is not hardcore, and 
graphics are not the primary concern for them, hence the reason the Wii 
has exploded - it's fun for casual gamers.

The PS3 might have superior hardware, but so did the 3DO, GameCube, 
Saturn, Dreamcast ... and they all failed to one extent or another.

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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