MB Software Solutions wrote:
> Andy Davies wrote:
>> Michael Babcock said "I was getting an empty recordset/row from the remote
>> table, inserting my fields, and using Paul McNett's MakeUpdatable.prg"
>> I used the code from makeupdatable for a long time but have now pretty much
>> switched to cursoradapters. I'm interested in the "getting an empty
>> recordset/row from the remote table" comment though because I've recently
>> had some problems with adding records to ca cursors - append blank works on
>> the cursor side but this causes problems where the backend logic expects
>> null values.
> I basically do a SELECT <fields> FROM MYTABLE WHERE 1=0 to get an empty 
> recordset, then insert the record from my object.  Then do a 
> TABLEUPDATE.  (This of course is possible when using Paul's 
> MakeUpdatable.prg.)

I always have a cursor with the actual record being edited (or not). If
the user clicks 'New' then I do an 'append blank' in that same cursor,
fill the default values, and when user clicks 'Write' just tableupdate.

>> btw for anyone who followed my earlier thread about using 'scatter name
>> this' in a data object I can report that it is working fine - in cases
>> where you have control over the backend db naming (to avoid possible
>> conflicts) I recommend the approach as an easy way to set up single record
>> data objects (the data can be from several tables, but only one 'row' at a
>> time).
> I do something very similar and with success.

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