On 4/3/07, Sales Info <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> BTW: What direction are you moving in - Python, PHP, Ruby, other, all?

I'd love to answer "All," but I'm not twenty any more, when I listed a
dozen languages I had worked in on my resume. That was a long time ago
(and there weren't many more than a dozen languages!).

Just as I've used HTML-Kit, VFP, West-Wind, SQL Server, IIS, Windows,
SlickEdit, SourceSafe, Visual MaxFrame, Codebook, FoxFire!, Stonefield
and more in my toolbox in my VFP days, I think it's important to be
quite familiar with a variety of tools, platforms and languages.

So I've spent some time learning Linux, Apache, bash, CVS, svn, vi,
emacs and SciTE, Perl, Python, PHP. And bringing along knowlege of
HTML, CSS, SQL and more.

For web-based applications and installing a lot of freely-available
stuff, it's important to have a good level of familiarity with Apache
configuration files, PHP settings and how to override them globally
and locally, MySQL permissions, scripts and administrative tools. That
lets you work with tools like Trac, Joomla, Xaraya, WebCalendar,
Drupal. And design perfectly decent web applications. There's a
zillion web frameworks and PHP add-ons. I haven't worked with the same
one twice, yet. And I'm sorely tempted to work with Django, a
well-reputed Python framework, as I get closer to mastering Python.

For rich-client applications, I'm totally sold on Dabo: Python,
wxWidgets, ReportLab and the right database for the application. Ed
and Paul are on the right course.

Lots of the choices are pragmatic. I passed the MySQL Core
Certification because clients are looking for MySQL skills and they
have a snazzy logo I can add to the business cards. Depending on the
applications, PostgreSQL, SQLite, BerkeleyDB, Firebird or even Oracle
may be more appropriate. It's always worth learning more than one.

I'm also pushing RedHat as my distro of choice, again for pragmatic
reasons. SuSE's not financially stable and sold out to a software
patent protection con-job and made a devil's deal I can't be part of.
Many of my clients want the assurance of a commercial support contract
and a 24x7 support SLA. The distro's not bad, and it keeps a bunch of
Americans employed. Full disclaimer: I liked the company so much, I
bought a little stock. So far, I think I'm $3 ahead.

There's more, too: ssh, PuTTY, public/private keys. SVN as server,
command line, DAV-module and more. Samba for sharing with Windows
clients. phpMyAdmin or pgAdmin III for data management. OpenOffice.org
for reports, spreadsheets, drawings. Dia for diagrams. Eclipse as an
IDE in one situation. I've always believed a good developer has to
know the OS and netowrk as well, or they can't get their apps to work,
so I've learned more network engineering than I'd prefer, 'cause
someone's got to do it.

I am having a blast. Not a day goes by when I don't get to learn
something new. This is as much fun as BRIEF, dBASE III+, Clipper
Summer 87, and FoxBase were in 1987.

> I'm loving PHP - it feels pretty natural to me. Impressed with the scope
> of its libraries.

It's not a toy, though it started out that way. There's a lot of bad
procedural code around, but there's a decent object-based (not really
-oriented) model. Lots of libraries and extensions.

> I'm trying to like Python. Haven't had my "aha" moment yet. Plan on
> downloading the latest Dabo release soon and giving it another try.

I don't think Dabo is the way to learn Python. That's like trying to
figure out FoxPro while trying to get CodeBook's .H files to compile
correctly. I worked through Lutz' Programming Python and attend the
local Python SIG monthly. Still grokking it, but it's not internalized

> I continue to look at Ruby (ROR) based on the deafening buzz but I'm
> still not sold.

"Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: any sufficiently complicated C
or Fortran program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden
slow implementation of half of Common Lisp."

- Philip Greenspun

"Including Common Lisp."

- Robert Morris

"Some may say Ruby is a bad rip-off of Lisp or Smalltalk, and I admit
that. But it is nicer to ordinary people."

- Matz, LL2 (Ruby author)

Source: http://www.paulgraham.com/quotes.html

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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