On 4/9/07, John Weller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone noticed any issues with Office automation going from Office 2000
> to Office 2003?

Sure. It's a different platform. Stuff is going to break.

IIRC, there were some timing issues in Automation due to anti-virus
engines getting called (internally to Office) just after document
loading that caused further commands to fail or timeout.

Plan on a controlled pilot test and expect you'll need to do some
debugging and patching.

> I have a client using an app I've written with automation which is working
> fine with Word 2000.  They are getting a number of problems, unspecified
> shutdowns, which M$ is blaming on Office 2000 and saying they should
> upgrade.  They are beginning to get a bit concerned.  I suspect that some of
> the 'upgrades' to Office 2000 or XP are actually breaking Office but I'm not
> paranoid enough to suggest it is deliberate :-)

I'm surprised MS isn't just cutting you off with "We don't support
Office 2000 any more." It's always been their standard to suggest you
upgrade to the latest version and that does make a lot of bugs go
away. Of course, it also brings on new bugs.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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