Ok, I'm not a Class guru by any means, and I'm sure there's an easy way 
to do this, but after messing with it for the last 1/2 hour, I can't 
find it.
I followed up on one of the messages in the board the other day, and 
went and snagged the code to create a skype class.

You're supposed to be able to create a visual container class that you 
then drop on the form and mess with.  Problem is, I can't figure out how 
to create the visual class.  I can use the class editor to create the 
class AS container, but then I would have to manually add the properties 
and cut an paste the methods myself, and I don't want to.  The code 
starts out:

DEFINE CLASS aasskype AS container

    Width = 78
    Height = 22
    msgid_skypecontrolapiattach = 0
    msgid_skypecontrolapidiscover = 0
    skypeapiwindowhandle = 0
    Name = "aasskype"

    ADD OBJECT label1 AS label WITH ;
        AutoSize = .F., ;
        Caption = "Skype API", ;
        Height = 17, ;

       Etc, etc,
followed by a bunch of PROC and Func declarations.

I tried running the code, adding the OF "c:\mytest.vcx" and re-running 
it, but it just sits there.
I plead ignorance.  How do I take the code, and with very little effort, 
create the vcx file that I can then add to my project?

        etc, etc, 

Vince Teachout
Caracal Software

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