> On the other hand, seems that I wasted money buying 2 copies of  Vi$ta
> Ultimate upgrade ... :)

I don't know about "wasted money" for Vista.  Even though I have advised my
clients to hold off on any Vista upgrades (if they are running 2000 or XP
there is no technical need to migrate anyway IMHO), and to resist getting
new PCs if they are provided with Vista (opting for XP).  Yet I went ahead
and installed Vista Ultimate (MSDN) on a dual boot PC, just to get a flavor
for its antics.  Before that I turned my intern (Mike Wohlrab, who posts to
ProFox once in a while) loose on the beta version to help identify the
"hidden rocks in shallow water" for me.  I am not at all impressed with
Vista, but the reality is I have to be prepared to deal with it, as
eventually I will come across a client has to deal with it.

Sure, My Vista Ultimate license was "free" (no additional cost) with my MSDN
subscription.  But it still took me otherwise billable time to set it up,
and work through its quirks (that is an ongoing process).  So, in
considering how much potential income I gave up it still cost me a
substantial amount of investment.  I would be all the more irritated had I
invested a separate amount for a Vista license - but I would have felt it
was worth it to get a feel for it  in anticipation of client calls and


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Man-wai CHANG
> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 8:30 AM
> Subject: Re: [NF] Maybe there is hope for the computer industry after
> all
> > Definitely a promising sign.
> > http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=39087
> Hope is never lost. Why didn't you believe so? :)
> On the other hand, seems that I wasted money buying 2 copies of  Vi$ta
> Ultimate upgrade ... :)
> --
>   .~.    http://changmw.homeip.net
>  / v \   May the Force and Farce be with you! Linux
> /( _ )\  (Ubuntu 6.10)  20:28:01 up 4 days 1:14
>   ^ ^    0 users load average: 0.03 0.51 0.79
> news://news.3home.net news://news.hkpcug.org news://news.newsgroup.com.hk
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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