Good to hear from you Helio. How have you been lately?

I've been buried in a new job. Were it not for the flu the last  
couple of days I might not have had time to catch up on politics and  
ProFox OT. It's helped me recover, frankly. ;-)

- Bob

On Apr 25, 2007, at 1:02 AM, Helio W. wrote:

> Same old story. Here in Brazil with a bit of a twist: leftist union
> leader Lula won presidency by lying to public on both sides of the
> ideological spectrum. He betrayed even his dumb socialist supporters.
> On 4/25/07, Robert Calco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> - - -
>> Ségolène Royal, the first woman with a chance of leading France,
>> began re-shaping her campaign yesterday as she faced a runoff with
>> the clear favourite in the presidential election, the rightwing
>> former interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy.
>> Ms Royal began the difficult task of convincing France that she was
>> not merely an off-the-shelf traditional Socialist in designer
>> clothing and could break away from her party roots to capture the
>> centre ground.
>> With the candidates racing to win over the 7 million people who voted
>> for the centrist third-man François Bayrou, party advisers said Ms
>> Royal would stand no chance of winning if she fought a traditional
>> socialist campaign of "left versus right". Instead she set out to
>> reassure the centre ground she could be all things to all people, to
>> prove, despite her critics, she could reinvent the nation.
>> - - -
>> This article is chock full of nuggets. Consider:
>> 1. Royal and her supporters openly admit they have to lie about her
>> to fool the voters. Typical left wing condescension. On the other
>> hand, it worked for the Dems last year in the elections.
>> 2. Read on:
>> ***
>> Nicolas Sauger, a political analyst, said Ms Royal also had to
>> convince the nation she was not the hesitant, incompetent party
>> outsider her critics described. He said it was crucial to hammer out
>> policies that fitted the centrist vote, such as a pro-European
>> message with a promise of a referendum on any new constitution. She
>> also had to pick up Mr Bayrou's quest to reform French democracy.
>> France's public debt, now at 66% of GDP, was crucial to the centrist
>> campaign and Ms Royal is likely to increase calls to curb spending
>> deficits.
>> But in a campaign focused on personality, Ms Royal faces a difficult
>> fight. Even socialist voters yesterday said they were let down by her
>> speech after Sunday night's results, appearing stiff, wooden and
>> uncomfortable. She is often accused of having a grating voice.
>> Mr Sauger said: "Her problem isn't really one of policies, it's one
>> of image, how she communicates."
>> ***
>> Some observations:
>> 1. You think we have a lot of public debt! I bet if the article
>> mentioned French unemployment rates it would be equally
>> embarrassing.... for France.
>> 2. If her problem isn't one of "policies" but "how she
>> communicates" ... why does she have to avoid a clear left-versus-
>> right battle, in which both she and her opponent are honest about
>> being left and right, respectively? Why does she have to be "pushed
>> to the centre"?
>> 3. Speaking of grating voices, have these folks heard Hillary! or
>> Pelosi?
>> 4. The West is doomed if Royal and Hillary win.
>> (Hillary or Obama for that matter, who are both wacko lefties who
>> have to pretend to be centrist in order to have a shot.)
>> - Bob
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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