Mike, 10 years ago when I was going thru the same thing the State (NY) set
the support at 27% (for 2 kids) of my gross.  It wasn't optional for either
side, but the court also nailed me with all the medical insurance and unpaid
medical cost on top of that.  I you can do better before it gets to the
support hearing go for it.  Also avoid state collected support, I ending up
paying support for 6 months after the order ended because the state don't
process' the paperwork. The state told me I could apply to the state to have
the money returned to me, but it could take years to recover it and the cost
of my lawyer to fill the paperwork could not be recovered.  Long story
short, after one meting with my lawyer, I wrote off the money as gone.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Bill Arnold
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 2:16 AM
To: 'ProFox Email List'
Subject: RE: [OT] Child support

Mike, did you work this out? Somehow it popped into my head tonight, and
it led to a line of thinking that I thought I'd mention.

Essentially, I'm thinking that since we live in an age of gender
equality, that should be the guide in this case. That is, calculate the
actual cost of providing the children with the basics, and split it
50/50, with frills/gifts/extras being contributory on a voluntary basis
(that's between the parent and the child).

Take living quarters for example. If it costs $2k/month, just for
example, for a place "suitable and customary" (is that the language?)
for her and the children, while it would cost $1k/month for a place to
live alone, then that's $1k/month attributable to the kids. Apply same
kind of thinking to other "basics of life": add it up and divide by 2.


> As many of you know, I'm going through a divorce.  Wife wants child
> support for our 2 kids and suggested that we work up a figure
> outside of
> the courts, as that'd probably be better for both of us.  I'm all for
> paying my fair share for the kids (but not 1 freakin' penny
> for her own
> use/gain), but I'm not sure how one determines what that
> payment amount
> should be?
> For those of you who've gone through this crap, any advice?  I could
> send it through the lawyer, but of course that legal bill
> sucks at $175/hr.
> tia!
> --Mike

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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