with a war between Pete and Ricardo -
> > George W. Bush is literate.
> Maybe according to YOUR standards.

Oh yeah, as though the leftist critics are any judge.

Pete - bless your heart.  I know yer a staunch 'R, I used to be one, prior
to GWB becoming the guv o Texas. I'm not a 'D and I'm not a Liberal. But
I'm not an 'R of the GWB ilk.

Historically, to anyone well versed in the English Language, GWB has come
across as that basic personna of 'an idiot' .  He's the dude in Power now,
so, he's considered 'The Idiot' by all natives not subscribing to the
Evangelical Religious Movement.

As to those folk who don't posses English as their native tongue, but
still bothered to LEARN English and DO business in English, GWB has always
been an interesting study, as he breaks those standard English grammer
rules that those 'foreigners' were forced to learn.  After listening to
him for more than 2 hours, most of that ilk will also label him an idiot.

Somehow, somewhere, someway, you've decided to defend him on all levels.
I would suggest to you that its mostly a waste of time.

Yes, I know, one is not supposed to show disrepect to 'The Man', but that
has historically come about from paying homage to 'The Office of' and not
'the man'.  This man, historically, has gotten it wrong in such a
consistent fashion that EVERYONE wonders which approach to English 'He'
will be using in 'The Office' tomorrow.

In summation?

Language is a verra terrible, nasty 'orrible beastie.  One should master
it afore taking it out for walkies. (Copyright 1987, WCS)

GWB hasn't done that, and will never do that, thinking (wrongly) that
Language won't make any difference.  Language DOES make a difference -
I'll offer to you that wonderful example of Tony Blair - when he was the
head of the opposition party, he always spoke as a FishMonger in the House
of Commons.  Finally, Labour won, and within 3 weeks of his ascendancy to
the PM slot, his Language changed totally.  Someone got to him, a team of
both linguists and elocutionists.   His accent changed, his sentence
structure changed, his use of Language changed to sound more like the
prior PM, the fella he knocked out o power.

GWB has enough problems to totally ignore the use of language.  He'll
continue to ignore the use of language in the remaining period. Even if
someone got to him? Trained him to be an elocutionist ?  He would fail
miserably - those dead brain cells canna be revived.

I mentioned this 'use of language' , only in passing, here on Profox way
back, directly in regards to GWB and his (then) failings.  Regardless of
whether you actually read it or no, the bottom line remains - GWB needs to
go.  You, Pete, can ascribe to any Pundits you wish - it doesn't matter -
dat GWB fella fails on all points that are meaningful, not only to the
'Mericans living inside the USA, but to all foreigners who SPEAK and READ
English outside of the USA.

Be Sweet! and Sweet Smelling !!!

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