On May 14, 2007, at 10:36 PM, Stephen the Cook wrote:

> Ed why didn't you say that God wanted my mother in law to DIE?

        He wants us all to die. Your mother-in-law is no exception. Or are  
you saying that he is powerless to change this? What does 'God is the  
Almighty' mean then?

> I think that your putting in way to much as to what God wants,  
> considering
> you mock his existence.

        This is not mocking; this is holding you to your words. If the  
result sounds like mocking, it is because what you are saying is absurd.

> I don't know what God does with lost souls.  Sorry if you thought  
> that I had
> an inside track.  I really believe that God accepts all sorts of  
> souls, in
> that those who do the right thing.  Some who believed in Christ,  
> and others
> do not.  We will find out in the end I guess.

        My question is why he would create humans who he knows will not do  
the right thing, and then condemn them. Even if you want to consider  
Free Will, your God certainly is smart enough to know that with the  
limited wisdom he is giving these creatures, some will make bad  
choices, and get condemned to Hell. Even many of the angels, who are  
supposedly not bound by human frailties and physical temptations,  
could not live up to your God's standards, and are now condemned to  

        The point I'm making is pretty simple: if God is omnipotent, then  
every single thing that he creates is exactly as he intended it to  
be. Does this simple statement make sense to you?

-- Ed Leafe
-- http://leafe.com
-- http://dabodev.com

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