On Tuesday 15 May 2007 8:01 am, Wolfe, Stephen S YA-02 6 MDSS/SGSI wrote:
>But the doctrine says that only Catholicism is the true religion.
> <snip>
> Are you sure this official Roman catholic doctrine/policy?

Hi Stephen!


One of the saints, or maybe a pope a long time ago said "Outside the Church 
there is no Salvation" but it wasn't "Ex Cathedra" or anything like that. 
Searching  . . .  here:


A Papal Bull by pope Boniface VIII. A Papal Bull is an "official" letter from 
a pope. He doesn't have to wear the three crowns to send a letter, however.

Ex Cathedra: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05677a.htm
Infallability: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07790a.htm#V

The Church lost her credibility after Vatican II stalled in politics. Now this 
stuff is well informed opinion, but little more than that.


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