You're full of crap -- we don't avoid baths!    :-)  :-)

As one who was there and remembers (a lot of it ), we didn't have much 
worth "dropping into".  Dropping out and using "drugs" was the rational 
response to the paternalistic, booze fed hypocrisy and insanity of the 
50s/60s.  And for anyone paying attention, there's even less worth 
"dropping into" now...

As for Open Source -- the values of the Open Source community are a 
breath of fresh it out of a sense of freedom and 
intellectual curiosity and if you make a buck, cool, if not, you still 
have the satisfaction of doing it.

Michael Madigan wrote:
> Come on, many Linux users are just using Linux as an
> anti-establishment statement, much like Hippies were
> doing.
> Of course Linux users add much much more to society
> than hippies do.  I don't want to compare the
> net-value of a linux user to drug-using,
> bath-avoiding, tune-in-and-drop-out hippie.
> Reminds me of a friend who would listen to underground
> bands until they hit it big, then he would drop them
> for being "sell-outs".
> --- Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On May 22, 2007, at 4:38 PM, David Crooks wrote:
>>>>    Hippy?
>>>>    ??
>>>>    What the hell does that mean?
>>> From
>>      Well, duh... I know what the word itself means. I
>> meant what does a  
>> group of feel-good, dope-smoking burnouts from over
>> a quarter-century  
>> ago have to do with Linux? It was about as lame an
>> attempt at making  
>> a point as I've seen on the non-OT list, and rivals
>> some of the  
>> lamest on the OT side of things.
>>      I was just hoping that there is some inside joke in
>> there that I was  
>> missing, rather than it simply being a dumb post
>> that reflects more  
>> on the poster than on the intended target.
>> -- Ed Leafe
>> --
>> --
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