> Iraqis don't need to keep track. It's not a business for them. They
> cannot retreat. They are defending their country.

Wait a minute, I thought they were fighting over it in a barbaric  
civil war in which we have no business?

Now they're helpless defenders?

Which is it?

The reality is Ricardo that Iraq is a theatre for the war against Al  
Qaeda. It was in 2003 when we toppled the murderous regime of Saddam  
Hussein, it has been ever since, and will be for some time. All of  
this was called out from the beginning, as was the fear of our unity  
crumbling on account of politics. Every single one of the  
sanctimonious pricks now conveniently on the side of retreat voted  
for it in full knowledge and acceptance of this fact at the time, and  
pledged unity and solidarity.  Al Qaeda has openly staked their  
ground in Iraq, and savor all the idiocy going on in our politics today.

Night after night of 5th column propoganda over the last four years,  
funded by billionnaire lunatics like Soros, aided and abetted by a  
press corps nostalgic for the Nixon years, and a Democrat party so  
hungry for lost power they were willing to undermine a sitting  
president at wartime, exaggerating every road side bomb as if it were  
a stunning strategic loss at Iwo Jima, parading the loss of every GI  
who lost his or her life in service---they have undermined public  
support, and now they act like it was REALLY only about immanent  
threat of WMDs and golly we were all duped by the brilliant moron  
George Bush, a human being so unbelievably stupid that he fooled all  
the geniuses in both parties who now claim to have wised up. They  
forget---or expect the public to forget---their own statements not  
just during the 2 full debates over war, but prior to the Bush  
presidency, and their votes.

It's worked for awhile but the reality will catch up with everyone  
who wants to pretend now that the bad guys are really us (or rather,  
George Bush and the neo-cons), and when it does and the polls swing  
the other way I'm sure they'll pretend they were for it all along.

- Bob

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