Richard Kaye wrote:
> Rick Strahl wrote a good white paper on dealing with VFP and Unicode. It 
> may have some useful info. I think you will want to look at the STRCONV 
> function.
> <>
That looks as if it might be what I really need to study - thanks Richard
> Paul Newton wrote:
>> Paul
>> Tx for the reply.  I should have mentioned that I'm using VFP9 (hence 
>> the edited subject)
>> I'm using FF and am viewing a page with the French word Cote (o 
>> circumflex).  It displays correctly in the browser with any of the 
>> following (chosen from View...Character encoding) - Western 
>> (ISO-8859-1), Western (ISO-8859-15), English (US-ASCII), Western 
>> (Windows 1252).  What I can't do is copy and paste this word into a 
>> field in the browse window and have it display correctly.

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