Pete Theisen wrote:
> On Friday 25 May 2007 9:15 am, Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
> <snip>
>> 1)  Al-Sadr is opposed to terrorism, especially al Qaeda which he would
>> drive out of the country.
>> 2)  Al-Sadr would purge his army and police of extremist.
>> 3)  Al-Sadr wants a unified Iraq with justice for all and a fair sharing
>> of the Iraqi wealth.
>> 4)  Al-Sadr would enforce tolerance amoung the Sunni, Shiite, and
>> Kurdish people and stop the senseless killing.
>> 5)  Al-Sadr would rebuild Iraq into a functioning country and would
>> accept aid from the US in the effort to restore Iraq.
> Hi Leland!
> Really? If he is all that forget Iraq, let him run against Hil and Obama for 
> the D nomination.
> But I seriously doubt that he, or any 'slim, can be trusted with any amount 
> of 
> power or influence. Power corrupts, and absolute power . . . so the man said.

Coming in late (as I usually detest these political things), but, I must 
ask--Leland, the citing above--is that what you truly believe?  I may 
have read that out of context....that seems preposterous!

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