Lew wrote:
> Ok, success. After some hair pulling and screaming in my brain, here's what 
> works: NEITHER authenticated nor
> non-authenticated login is accepted when using the smpt server provided by my 
> isp. The -f switch identifies my
> user account. Additionally, contrary to popular belief, the -log <filename> 
> switch does work. You just have to
> issue clear dlls to open the file. Of course, Outlook is running on my 
> desktop, so if the login was required,
> it would already have been done. I guess I'll have to test & see what happens 
> when Outlook isn't running.
> -Lew
Hooray for you!  I know how good it feels when you get the bugger 
working.  I took Grigore's procedure code earlier today and put it into 
a class.  My latest test seems to indicate that it works as he said it 
would too!  <g>  Here's the class code with test code above it:

    * mjb 05-30-07 use BLAT class from Grigore Dolghin (ProFox)
    loEmail = NEWOBJECT("_Email",".\progs\SendEmail.fxp")
    WITH loEmail
                .cBodyText = lcBodyText
                .cToEmailAddress = cErrorEmailTo
                .cCCEmailAddress = ""
                .cSubject = "[BUG " + this.cVersion + "] " +
    ALLTRIM(TRANSFORM(tnErrNum)) + ": " + ALLTRIM(tcErrMsg)
                .cAttachment = FULLPATH("bugrpt.zip")
                .cMailServer = "smtp.yoururl.net"
                .nPort = 25
                .cFromEmailAddress = cErrorEmailFrom
                .cUserName = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
                .cPassword = "pwd"
                .cCompanyName = "MB Software Solutions"
                .cSupportEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

    DEFINE CLASS _Email AS Custom
    * BLAT wrapper class, taken from Grigore Dolghin's post on ProFox,
    * Michael J. Babcock, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 05-30-2007
        Name = "_Email"
        cBodyText = ""
        cToEmailAddress = ""
        cCCEmailAddress = ""
        cSubject = ""
        cAttachment = ""
        cMailServer = ""
        nPort = 25
        cFromEmailAddress = ""
        cUserName = ""
        cPassword = ""
        cMsg = ""
        nBtns = 0
        lError = .F.
        cCompanyName = "ACME Company"
        cSupportEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
        PROCEDURE Init
            *-- Declare the API functions.
            Declare Integer Send ;
             In blat.dll ;
             String cParam

            Declare Integer GetShortPathNameA ;
             In Win32API As GetShortPathName ;
             String, ;
             String, ;
        ENDPROC && Init
        PROCEDURE Error(tnError as Integer, tcMethod as String, tnLine
    as Integer)
            this.cMsg = "Error " + ALLTRIM(STR(tnError)) + ", Method " +
    ALLTRIM(tcMethod) + ", Line " + ALLTRIM(STR(tnLine))
            this.nBtns = 16
            this.lError = .T.

        PROCEDURE LogMsg(tcMsg as String)
        * Logs message from procedures.
            IF EMPTY(this.cMsg) THEN
                this.cMsg = tcMsg
                this.cMsg = CHR(13) + CHR(10) + this.cMsg

        FUNCTION SendEmail() as Integer
            Local lcParameterString As String, lcBodyFileName as String,
    lcBuffer as String, lnReturn as Integer, lcBodyFileShortName as
    String, ;
                    lcAttachmentFileShortName as String

            *-- create the parameter string variable:
            lcParameterString = SPACE(5000)

            *-- create the message body
            lcBodyFileName = "_" + Right(Sys(2015),7)
            lcBodyFileName = FullPath(lcBodyFileName)

            *-- get the short (msdos) file name (required by blat)
            lcBuffer = Space(255)
            lnReturn = GetShortPathName(lcBodyFileName, @lcBuffer,255)
            lcBodyFileShortName = Left(lcBuffer,lnReturn)

            *-- store the shortfilename into parameter string
            lcParameterString = lcBodyFileShortName + " " && careful
    with the spaces. One single extra space and blat fails.

            *-- add TO address to parameter string
            lcParameterString = lcParameterString + "-to " +
    this.cTOEmailAddress + " "

            *-- add the CC address to parameter string
            If Vartype(this.cCCEmailAddress) = "C" And Not
             lcParameterString = lcParameterString + "-cc " +
    this.cCCEmailAddress + " "

            *-- add the subject to parameter string:
            If Vartype(this.cSubject) <> "C" Or
             this.cSubject = "Automated email from " + this.cCompanyName
            lcParameterString = lcParameterString + [-subject "] +
    this.cSubject + [" ]

            *-- get the attachment's short (msdos) filename
            If Vartype(this.cAttachment) = "C" And Not
             lcBuffer = Space(255)
             lnReturn = GetShortPathName(this.cAttachment, @lcBuffer,255)
             lcAttachmentFileShortName = Left(lcBuffer,lnReturn)
             *-- and add it to parameter string:
             lcParameterString = lcParameterString + [-attach "] +
    lcAttachmentFileShortName + [" ]

            *-- get the mail server:
            If Vartype(this.cMailServer) = "C" And Not
    Empty(this.cMailServer) THEN
             lcParameterString = lcParameterString + "-server " +
    Alltrim(this.cMailServer) + " "
             This.LogMsg("Error. Mail server not defined.")
             Return .F.

            *-- add the port to string parameter:
            lcParameterString = lcParameterString + "-port " +
    Transform(this.nPort) + " "

            *-- add the "FROM" email address:
            lcParameterString = lcParameterString + "-f " +
    this.cFromEmailAddress + " "

            *-- Add the smtp username:
            lcParameterString = lcParameterString + "-u " +
    this.cUserName + " "

            *-- add the smtp password:
            lcParameterString = lcParameterString + "-pw " + this.cPassword

            lnResult = Send(lcParameterString)

            If lnResult = 0
             This.LogMsg("    Mail to " + this.cTOEmailAddress + " was
    sent succesfully.")
             This.LogMsg("    Error sending email to " +
    this.cTOEmailAddress + ". Error code is " + Transform(lnResult))
             This.LogMsg("    BLAT.DLL parameter: " + lcParameterString)
             This.LogMsg("    If you see this error in the activity log
    file, please forward the report email to " + this.cSupportEmail + ".")
            RETURN lnResult

    ENDDEFINE && _Email

Again, thanks to Grigore, Bob, Peter, Garrett, and the others who 
contributed on this.  It's really their code...I just put it into a 
class.  I've uploaded this to Ed's downloads site too so others might be 
able to download/use/improve on this in the future.

Michael J. Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
"Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!"

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