Numbers that prove Carl Rove's plan to bankrupt the government is working:

$50 billion -- how much the Iraq War was estimated to cost before the 

1.2 trillion -- how much the Iraq War is now estimated to finally cost.

10 billion -- how much money is unaccounted for in Iraq and post-Katrina.

$3 trillion -- how much the national debt has risen under George Bush.

24% -- how much of our debt is owed to foreign countries.

 From the Desk of George W. Bush:

Use scare tactics and falsehoods to justify the war in Iraq.

Veto any legislation with a timetable to withdraw from Iraq.

Disregard our constitutional checks and balances.

Direct the NSA to eavesdrop on citizens without a warrant.

Exploit executive privilege for political gain.

Ignore the ongoing-corruption and chaos of FEMA.

Declare the right to imprison any American without charges.



Bill Arnold wrote:
> In case anyone is wondering why the Democratic party utterly
> disappointed all those people who voted them it:
> "The third ingredient in Mr. Rove's political stew is Israel. Through
> the years, Jewish voters in America have contributed as much as 40
> percent of the funds for the Democratic Party on an annualized basis.
> This is an astounding figure given the fact that people who identify
> their faith as Jewish in census forms amount to only about two percent
> of the U.S. population. Their money is critical to Democratic issues and
> Rove wants to get as much of it over to Republicans as possible. To do
> this, he has simply had the president step back from criticizing
> Israel."
> Bill
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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