>I think judges should have some basic knowledge of what they are ruling
>on so he can make an intelligent/reasonable ruling.

To paraphrase the May 19 2007 Economist.  The legal system is in danger of
being overloaded by the problem of electronic discovery.

In the discovery process both parties of a lawsuit share relevant documents
and this has become mostly about retrieving computer files.  Companies being
sued are having to pay large teams of lawyers tons of money, for months on
end, in order to wade through every email ever sent by or within the company
just to determine which docs have to be handed over to plaintiffs.

Rules need to be made clear and judges need to familiarize themselves with
relevant technology so informed rulings can be made.  At the moment the
rules are unclear and the costs are rising.

Software designed to make quicker searches of relevant documents would seem
to be a real opportunity for enterprising developers.  Graham.

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