Ted Roche wrote:
> On 6/20/07, Tristan Leask <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> SELECT f1, f2, max(f5,f6) as test FROM t1......
>> This looks ok to me, however when I try to run it, foxpro doesn't like
>> the fact that I am using the MAX() function.
> MAX() is one of the few times there's a name collision between a
> native VFP command and the SQL language. Ed's suggestiion of a UDF
> will work. You could also include an inline IIF(f5>f6, f5, f6) to get
> a similar effect.
> You're not the first to find this. I suspect it might be in the Hacker's 
> Guide.
I'm pretty sure I posted a workaround for this on ProFox that ended up 
as a tip in FPA...

Search my name and MAX in the archives and see what comes up...


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