> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of mrgmhale
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 4:08 PM
> Subject: RE: [NF] Unblocking an attachment in Outlook
> One other thought (or series of a few thoughts <g>)...  I set up an ftp
> Server using Serv-U ftp about 8 or 9 years ago.  I had several reasons for
> doing so.  First, some files were too large to attach to eMail.  Some
> files
> were stripped or blocked for various reasons.  And, for my own clients
> having my own ftp Server gave me a Mark Of Distinction and enhanced
> credibility.  I began using a small PC with a Port Forward set up on my
> primary firewall.  I went from the free version, later upgraded to their
> basic version,  and finally to their Pro version (Enterprise is next <g>).
> I also ended up getting a 2nd (DSL) ISP account, and am using a dedicated
> firewall for the ftp Server.  The ftp Server is now a Dell SC420 with 1Gb
> RAM, and is used as a storage center for all my applications and license
> key
> codes, as well as a 300Gb HDD dedicated to the ftp Server (compressed for
> even more capacity).
> If you see a potential need for lots of file transfers, or to transfer
> large
> files that would be stripped from eMails, this is a nice way to go.
> But...
> I also use WinZip to compress and encrypt (not just password protect) any
> files I send if they contain personal or sensitive data.  The reason is
> because ftp transmits in an unsecured manner, just like eMails and their
> attachments.
> A couple of good reasons to set up your own ftp server, eh?
> Ciao!
> Gil

Gil:  I have an ftp account and have used it for downloads.  In other words,
my customers can download zipped and encrypted files to their computers.  I
haven't set it up the other way, although I have wanted to for some time.
One of my planned projects with Python is to create a password protected
upload page.  If there is something already out there that will do that, I
would be interested in looking at that, too.


Jeff Johnson
Fax 623-869-0675

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