> Message: 3
> Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 23:58:39 -0400
> From: "Lew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Object engineering #2
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Depends on what you're taking.
> Ted's right about buffering and rollbacks, but I think you were referring to 
> a different concept. Namely that
> the logic governing which tables to update and when doesn't belong in the 
> user interface, it belongs in a
> business layer with actual storage issues governed by the data layer. I don't 
> feel that this is an object
> engineering issue so much as a question of how strictly we layer our code and 
> how much of the labor saving
> features .. in this case the ControlSource property... in VFP we're willing 
> to give up to achieve the
> perfectly tiered and engineered app.
> -Lew

You don't have to give up the ControlSource property. Binding to
properties in the case of a form and to the cursor in the case of a
grid sounds over-complicated to me. KISS. :) Just bind to the cursor
all the time and have the form signal the business objects.

Having the answer "it depends" for everything guarantees complexity.
How do you plug in a toaster? It doesn't depend - that decision has
been engineered out of the discussion. If you want to go solar or wind
generated, you still feed the electricity into the house so you don't
have to re-do all the wiring. :)

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